Order Form
Item Cost Extension

Directional Locating Instruments
PMR III $2,995.00
PMR II $2,095.00
Precision Master Rod $1,395.00
Universal Antenna Rod $895.00
Universal Depth Rod $695.00
Titan II Pendulum $295.00

Replacement Expanding Antenna for above units

Replacement Loop Antenna for above units $20.00
Replacement Cap for above units


Plastic Vials (set of 5) $2.00

The Revised Professional's Complete Dowsing Course by Russ Simmons $75.00
Dowsing for Treasure by Russ Simmons $20.00
Gold of the Americas $9.95
Gold Panning is Easy $9.95
Ghost Town Treasures $9.95

Shipping and Handling, NC tax
Add $10 for shipping and handling on orders less than $50.00

Foreign Address: please contact us for shipping charges before you order
Add $15 for shipping and handling on orders more than $50.00
North Carolina residents add 7% sales tax



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Simmons Scientific Products
PO Box 527
West End, NC 27376
Phone 1-910-686-1656
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The Simmons Directional Locating instruments are unconditionally guaranteed for 10 years. If any service or repair is required during this period, it will be performed free of any charge. These Directional Locating instruments are sold on a 30-day trial money-back guarantee. If it does not perform exactly as advertised, return it in good condition and your money will be immediately refunded.

Simmons Scientific Products, PO Box 527, West End, NC 27376
email simmonssp@aol.com Phone 1-910-686-1656

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